CRS Volunteers

Our Arasu FM 90.4 MHz has more than 50 Student-Volunteers who organize and participate in community events and awareness campaigns.

They provide their valuable support to our CRS. They act as reliable and dedicate volunteers who contribute to the overall success of the initiatives.

Community Radio – Service Volunteers List

S. No. Name of the Volunteer Role
1. Dr. R. Vijayaragavan Over all Coordinator
2. R. Inbathamizhan President
3. M. Bavitharan Vice – President
4. M. Nafil Hafith Secretary
5. K. Bhuvaneshwaran Joint- Secretary
6. S. Srivari Treasurer
7. V. Harshavardhan B1-Team Leader
8. K. Dinesh B2-Team Leader
9. K. Sivabalan B3-Team Leader
10. S. Sampavi B4-Team Leader
11. K. Nuha Zarin B5-Team Leader
12. S. Arivazhagan B6-Team Leader
13. T. Nandhini B7-Team Leader
14. M. Santhosh B8-Team Leader